the wise man form himself.
knowledge is power.
(Francis bacon)
Smart decisions are the basis for successful action. I am not born smart, but must continuously develop. Observing, asking questions, reading, learning and practicing in the sense of trying things out eventually lead to knowledge and ability. I think about a task, make my decision and act accordingly. Knowledge helps me make the right decisions and develop good habits. Curiosity ensures that I don't settle for the status quo. And the right knowledge eventually leads to serenity.
I know that I know nothing.
Everything we encounter leaves traces. Everything imperceptibly contributes to our education.
There is no shame in not knowing, but there is shame in not wanting to learn.
Life is a wanting to grow.
(Friedrich Nietzsche)
An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.
(Benjamin Franklin)
The educated call it appropriation.
Anyone who reads books looks out into the world and not just up to the fence.
I'm a part of everything I've ever read.
(Theodore Roosevelt)
Education is the best food for the journey to old age.
The beginning of all wisdom is wonder.
It doesn´t matter that you have many books, just that you have good ones.
One must learn as long as one still lacks knowledge, if we are to believe the proverb, that is, as long as we live.
A fool's bolts are soon shot.
One learns by erring.
The roots of education are bitter, but its fruits are sweet.
Philosophy is the love of wisdom and the pursuit of it. The latter strives to go where the former has reached. Philosophy is the way, wisdom is the goal.
Philosophy is activity in thought and speech that creates a happy life.
Years teach more than books.
See through their souls and notice what things the wise seek and what things they avoid.
He who is not curious learns nothing.
The carpenter works the wood. The archer bends the bow. The wise man shapes himself.
The smart ones have a lot in common.
May the study of Greek and Roman literature always remain the basis of higher learning!
If someone has gained and cultivated insight, death has no power over him.
Calm as a deep lake with untroubled water is the wise man with his serene clarity.
In other activities the fruit hardly appears when they are finished, but in philosophy pleasure is the companion of knowledge; pleasure does not follow learning first, but learning itself is pleasure.
It is not the young man who is to be praised for his happiness, but the old man who has lived well. For he who is still in fresh youthful vigor is often driven about by fate soon in this, soon in that direction; the old man, on the other hand, has landed in old age as in a harbor, and has secured behind a safe dam a wealth for which he formerly hardly dared to hope.
First learn manners, later wisdom: without manners this is only poorly learned.
Learning something and practicing it over and over again, doesn't that create joy?
never stop learning and reading a lot
Your education determines your opportunities in life: the more you know, the more is in it for you in the big bag of life. And the more relaxed you will be at some point, because not much can shock you anymore. You have heard, seen, read, experienced - and thus learned a lot. I am always surprised that some people are satisfied with comparatively little in life. In many cases, this is because they make themselves too comfortable. School is exhausting. So I take the path of least resistance. I see to it that I finish school quickly somehow and look for a job that will give me a decent, easy-going life. Unfortunately, with these conditions, the best jobs are not to be had. Unfortunately, it is also not possible to earn an income with which I can lead a really relaxed life. Unfortunately, it's my comfort that keeps me at my low level of education and prevents me from learning anything significant. My opinion: a bland life. A life in which you don't come close to realizing your potential, in which you remain in your own supposed comfort zone from the very beginning. Over time, however, one's own life is no longer so comfortable. Frustration arises and those then like to blame the circumstances for their misery. However, the circumstances are not responsible for this, but simply one's own laziness. What is lacking is a proper education.
Therefore, my dear: never stop learning. Make an effort to gain more knowledge - knowledge that will take you further in life, that will give you new insights and that will make you successful. For this you must read and travel.
Successful people read. If it gets on your nerves that I keep putting the word "success" in the center, because you are not really keen on success, but just want to lead a normal, happy and satisfied life, I will explain it to you again at this point: Your goal may not be success per se. Agreed and accepted. But if you pursue and want to achieve any goals in life at all - and I'm just going to assume that you do - you have to be successful in pursuing those goals, on the path you've chosen, with the measures and actions you've chosen. And since successful people do some things differently than others, their insights will help you achieve your goals and live according to your ideas. As I said, successful people read - and not in short supply!
You can't know everything. But you can be interested in many things. It takes time for the whole variety of this life to unfold for you through your own experiences. You learn with every day and with every hour. But you can also switch on the turbo. And this turbo is called reading. Reading educates. Reading broadens your horizon. Reading opens up completely new worlds. If we both had only five minutes at our disposal, and I had to explain to you all my insights and tips for a good life in a very condensed way, I would concentrate on 3 fields:
1. set goals / take action
2. leave your comfort zone / push your limits
3. read a lot
That's how important reading is! You can accelerate your learning process - and in a very pleasant way. I'm not talking about the reading that helps you for school and studies. Unfortunately, you often only read things that you need for the next exam. And then you forget this content again when things go badly. I'm talking about the really interesting topics that will help you personally in life. And there are plenty of them: read good newspapers, reference books and novels. Study philosophy, history and exciting biographies. Think about it, learn and draw conclusions for your life.
Rarely does fate step in the way of the wise man.