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a natural, reasonable life


But the wise man is guided by nature.



Nature includes the things that are not created by human beings. The laws of nature cannot be overridden by human beings. So what could be more natural than choosing to live according to nature? What could be more natural than to develop, over time, a basic trust in this world, nature, and our place in it? The Stoics were of the opinion that a life in harmony with nature and characterized by reason leads to happiness and contentment.

Großer Baum


I question my actions:


Is what I am doing really according to nature?


Is it reasonable?

living happily and living naturally are one.



nature does nothing in vain.



whatever, life

it is good.



In man, the ultimate development of nature consists in reason and rational thinking.



Whoever is able to think, who sees the moon and the stars, and rejoices in the sea and the earth, is there still loneliness and misery for him?


what else is nature than God and the divine original reason, which is implanted in the universe and its parts? ... because neither is nature without God nor God without nature, but both are one and the same.


Keep calm and have faith.



The earth has music for those who listen.



Everything happens according to natural necessity, according to intention, by chance.


Nature itself makes the wise man rich.



Take the time each day to sit still and listen to things. Pay attention to the melody of life that resonates within you.



Pray not that God may grant and give you anything, but because he always gives you, therefore pray.



What if I fall? Oh, my darling, what if you fly?



To attribute the greatest and most beautiful to chance would be far too careless.



Therefore, reason is even more valuable than philosophy, because from it all other virtues naturally arise, and because it teaches that one cannot live happily without at the same time living rationally, decently, and morally, and vice versa, neither rationally, decently, and morally without living happily.



chance plays an insignificant role with the wise man; he arranges the greatest and most important things throughout his entire life with his mind.


Only then do I say thank you to nature when I do not see it from the side where it is accessible to everyone, but when I have entered its hidden inside, when I recognize what the matter of the universe is, who the creator or the guardian of the universe is, what the Deity is, whether it is self-centered or considers us at times, whether it creates daily or has created something only once, whether it is a part of the world or is the world itself.


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