courage and fighting spirit
Man is not a tree. If he is in the wrong place, he should look for another.
the magic happens
Never give up !
If you want to achieve something in life, you must dare to do something (courage) and should have a fighting spirit (bravery).
Just let me apply on my saddle! Stay in your huts, your tents! And I ride happily into the distance, with only the stars over my cap.
Life means being a fighter.
If you change nothing, nothing will change.
My destiny is calling
Step outside your comfort zone. This is where the magic happens.
You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
(Christopher Columbus)
If you don't do stupid things while you're young, you'll have nothing to smile about when you're old.
Every day is a risk and only then is it worth living.
Experience is the beginning of all art and knowledge.
Today is the oldest you´ve ever been and the youngest you´ll ever be again.
Anyone who always stays at home only has sense for the house.
A clever person finds the best education when travelling.
When nothing goes right... go left.
been there, done that.
As you know, safety was man's archenemy at all times.
a talent forms in silence, a character in the flow of the world.
I regularly push my own personal boundaries. By stepping out of my comfort zone again and again, I collect important new experiences that broaden my horizons, give me self-confidence and help me in my further life.
(Calvin John Camp)
Courage imagines the paths to be shorter.
All beginnings are easy, and the last steps are the most difficult and rarest to climb.
Every firm courage leads everything quickly to the goal.
Being ready is everything.
A plague of all cowards, I say, and a vengeance too!
Fall seven times, stand up eight.
(Japanese proverb)
Solid and strong is only the tree that has been constantly exposed to gusts of wind, for in battle its roots are strengthened and strengthened.
The moment you're ready to quit is usually the moment right before the miracle happens. Don't give up.
Push your limits
Self-confidence is a fine thing: I trust myself to do it! Self-awareness - the same in green: I am aware myself that I can do it! Self-confidence is not innate, because I am not talking about arrogance here, but about the calm knowledge: I can do it. To gain self-confidence, I need a series of good experiences. I need a sense of achievement in a variety of areas. The more experiences I gather, the better for my horizon of experience:
- No one can fool me so easily anymore.
- I know this, I've had it before, I've seen it x times.
- I know how this ends.
- I am sure that my counterpart will react to it in such and such a way.
Not innate, but learned or self-experienced. In the end, self-confidence ensures composure and a relaxed life. So what do I have to do? You have to broaden your horizon! And how do I achieve that? By pushing your boundaries and leaving your comfort zone.
Move your butt and gain experience. Dare! Do something. Every trip abroad on your own - broadens your horizons. Every vacation job at a new company - important experiences, positive and negative. Don't just sit at home and chill during your vacations. Collect experiences, do something for an exciting resume. If you don't experience anything, you have nothing to tell.
Every single one of my vacation jobs has benefited me in my later professional life. You get a feeling for how colleagues feel who have to do a plain vanilla job in shift work - every single day, often for 50 years. You experience what they think, how they are treated. You hear about their wishes and concerns. Priceless. You see leaders who do their job well and those who do it miserably. You can learn things from them and you can say to yourself: I would have done that differently. And you will be more motivated to invest in your own training, because you want it to be different, more exciting and better.
Every time you travel abroad - even if it's just by car across the Alps - you get to know new people and different cultures. The Italian ticks differently than the Frenchman, the Dutchman ticks differently than the German. Fascinating. Get involved with it! Be tolerant. You will find that every other culture has things to offer that are better than in your own world. You just have to open yourself to it. You'll get ideas, see new developments and if you're creative and bright, you may even get a business idea out of it.