Praiseworthy qualities we call virtues.
Plato already distinguished the four "cardinal virtues" wisdom, self-control, justice and courage.
to be happy is to have a good character.
(Marc Aurelius)
Treat others the way you want them to treat you.
"Golden Rule" of practical ethics
Even if Plato calls this cardinal virtue justice - I like the generic term humanity better, which also plays a role in Asian philosophy. A well-considered value system and loving actions form the basis for a good character. Put your values on paper and live by them.
The soul of a good man is an impregnable fortress.
If you just imagine that you are in the process of building the “house of your life”, your values are the solid foundation on which you build everything and your goals are the exact plans of the architect or client of what it will all look like.
What you do not want done to you, do not do to others.
Act in such a way that the maxim of your will can at the same time be regarded as the principle of a general law.
(Immanuel Kant – Categorical Imperative)
Do good and good will come to you.
Everything that is supposed to impress us must have character.
Our character comes from our behavior.
If you want to build high towers, you have to spend a lot of time on the foundations.
I've never regretted doing good.
Truth and right are always inherently stronger than lies and wrong.
High moral standards are a matter of habit. We become just by acting justly, moderate by doing moderately, brave by behaving bravely.
Deal with the lesser as you wish the greater to treat you.
The soul has the color of your thoughts.
(Marc Aurel)
Don't be more cowardly than the children! When it seems appropriate, say, "I'm not playing anymore."
the pettiest thing on earth is covetousness, pleasure-seeking, and boastfulness—the greatest: magnanimity, gentleness, charity.
Speak true and laugh the devil.
The good is the most accurate measure of all things.
Speak with pure thoughts and luck will follow you like your shadow.
Let man be noble, helpful and good; because that alone distinguishes him from all beings that we know!
If you want to recognize a person's character, give him power.
(abraham lincoln)
Give ear to your wisdom, not your anger!
The choice of objects always shows what kind of man and whose brainchild he is.
Natural justice consists in a (mutual) benefit contract not to harm each other, nor to be harmed.
You will never miss the right way, act only according to feeling and conscience!
Don't do anything in life that must frighten you if your neighbor notices it.
Who among you is without sin, let him throw the first stone!
(THE BIBLE - John 8, 7)
always be guided by your values
So far, we have not yet addressed your very personal values. Who do you want to be? By formulating your goals, you are already putting something of your world of values on paper: Who and what is important to me in life? What are my priorities? But of course this also includes getting clear about how I want to act in my life. Do I want to pursue my goals come hell or high water, i.e. without regard for losses (and thus others), or do I formulate moral principles for myself that say: this far and no further! I can recommend this to you only urgently. When dreaming one moves between the stars, takes off completely for a certain time. And that's how it should be. But do you want to lead a completely lifted life afterwards or would you rather stay with both feet on the carpet? Maybe you see a chance to reach your goals without greater egoism and to stay on the carpet even in case of success, not to freak out and take off. Then write it down! Because you alone have in your hand who you are and who you will be one day.
Whether you create a separate overview for your personal values or whether you formulate your values as one of the 10 goals, as I have done, is up to you. The only important thing is that you become clear about it: Who do I want to be? Can my friends and family always rely on me? Am I 100% faithful in my relationship with my girlfriend or do I not keep it that way? Am I helpful, tolerant, honest, friendly, punctual, incorruptible, responsible? Are my values determined by modesty, down-to-earthness, naturalness, respect, fairness and love? Who do you want to be? Put it on paper and live by it. Let yourself be guided by your values at all times in your actions and decisions. Answering the question "Who do I want to be?" is just as important as answering the question "Where do I want to go?" - so please approach the whole thing very conscientiously. It is about nothing more and nothing less than the quality of your future.
If you simply imagine that you are in the process of building the "house of your life", your values are the solid foundation on which you build everything, and your goals are the exact plans of the architect or client, how the whole thing will look like.
Take care of other people
everyone has a different story that has shaped them so far
put yourself in the position of the other person
take a genuine interest in her or him
good friends enrich your life
you can rely on each other, be there for each other
maintain the good relationship with your friends for a lifetime
always be there for your partner - in good times and in bad times
do not restrict her - give her enough freedom
do not try to re-educate her - accept her quirks
take time for common activities
be attentive
take care of your family
be the rock in the surf for them
take care for a loving togetherness
give them your time and many beautiful shared experiences and memories
be a good role model and motivate them
solve their problems and, if necessary, combine this with an appropriate lesson
don't just make their life easy, but push them gently - step by step - out of their comfort zone
give them love, recognition and strength
teach them the most important values
encourage their ideas and hobbies
help them to become independent
give them self-confidence instead of arrogance
show them what is important in life
make her optimistic
explain the world to them
value their opinion
give them good books to read
look at the world together
make them laugh
Give back some of your happiness to the world
take care of other people by volunteering for social projects, associations or foundations and
by generously giving a part of your financial resources - if you have a lot, you can do more - motto: "I have been very lucky in my life, so I give something back to the community."
When you look at a person, any person, remember that everyone has a story. Everyone has gone through something that has changed them.
You don't know who your true friend is until the ice breaks.
(proverb from norway)
If there is any one secret for success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own.
(henry ford)
True love is friendship set on fire.
When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.
Therefore test who binds himself eternally, whether the heart finds itself to the heart! Delusion is short, regret is long.
A pretty face will age, a beautiful body will change, but a good person will remain a good person.
If you have fallen out with someone, you should make peace again before sunset.
(Benedict of Nursia)
Friends are those people who say things to your face and defend you behind your back.
A good friend doesn't ask when or why... When you say "I need you!" the only question he asks is "Where are you?"
I can't promise to fix all your problems but I can promise you won't have to face them all alone.
Among the goods that wisdom can procure for lasting happiness in life, the possession of friendship is by far the greatest.
Doing good brings more pleasure than being done good.
Education should be tender and strict, but not cold and soft.
(joseph joubert)
The greatest fruit of righteousness is peace of mind.